Reconstructive Surgery
Skin Cancer Removal and Reconstruction
Most skin cancers require surgery to remove the cancerous growth. Understanding that treating your skin cancer may result in scars or disfigurement can be troubling. With specialized techniques we surgically remove cancerous and other skin lesions with the least impact on your appearance.
Post-Bariatric Surgery Countouring
Patients who have undergone bariatric surgery often find they have "deflated" skin in many areas of their body including the face, breasts, abdomen, arms, torso, and thighs, Body contouring improves the shape and tone of underlying tissue and removes excess sagging fat and skin, resulting in smoother body contours and a normal appearance.
Breast Reconstruction
The goal of breast reconstruction is to restore one or both breasts to near normal shape, appearance, symmetry and size following mastectomy, lumpectomy or congenital deformities.
Facial Fractures
Facial fractures are broken bones anywhere on the face. This includes the nose, cheekbones, the area around the eyes, and the upper and lower jaw.
Treatment consists in accessing the facial skeleton, “reducing” the fracture (broken bones are brought back into normal alignment ('reducing' the fracture) and “fixing” the fracture (keep them in their place) with the help of titanium or absorbable plates, mesh, and screws, preventing further injury.
Torn Ear Lobes
Performed under local anesthesia, we can stitch, and repair torn and stretched earring holes, so you´ll be able to use earings again.
Using local flaps and grafts, surgeons can repair the incompletely fused area of the lip and palate.